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The Value of Compactors in Commercial Waste Management: Increasing Efficiency and Reducing Costs

Trashco Inc

We dump 2.12 billion tons of waste globally every year, and that number is only predicted to rise. Finding a way to responsibly collect, process, and recycle as much waste as possible needs to be a top priority for us all, especially for companies that produce a lot of waste such as commercial facilities.

That’s where waste compactors come in.

Here at Trashco Inc., we’ve already covered the benefits and basics of how to create a waste management plan. Today we’re going one step further and showing you how waste compactors can be used to massively reduce the volume of waste you dispose of, hygienically store more waste until it’s picked up, save money on processing, and make the whole process easier for your entire team.

Let’s dive right in!

What are compactors?

Waste compactors are the only thing preventing waste from taking up horrific amounts of extra space. With a compactor you can crush your waste to reduce its volume according to the compaction ratio of the machine you use.

The compaction ratio itself is very simple; it’s the measure of how much larger the volume of your waste was before compaction, versus after (which is always denoted as “1” unit).

Let’s say that you have a 40-yard compactor. At full capacity, this will hold 40 cubic yards of waste. You fill it up, turn it on, and it crushes your waste into a 10 cubic yard space. Since the final result is 10 cubic yards, to get to 1 unit of waste we divide that (and thus also the starting amount of waste) by 10, giving us a 4:1 compaction ratio.

The only other important thing to note with compactors is the different types. While many specialized compactors deal with specific types of waste, the broader and more common categories are:

  • Self-contained compactors 

  • Stationary compactors

  • Auger compactors

Source by Acabashi, image used under license CC BY-SA 4.0

Self-contained compactors are designed for handling wet waste and any garbage that contains liquids. Being self-contained helps to keep mess to a minimum when the things you’re crushing will leak, especially if those liquids are difficult to get rid of normally.

Stationary compactors cover the widest range of commercial and construction use cases, as these handle various types of dry waste such as paper, cardboard, plastics, rubber, aluminum, and so on. We won’t cover every type of stationary compactor here to save time, but know that they mainly vary based on their storage volume and compaction ratio. These work by letting you store waste in a set zone, then (once it’s full, everyone’s clear, and you turn it on) crushing the waste with a large steel blade and storing it in the main body of the compactor. They can be set up to be fed by hand, cart, or conveyor, making them incredibly versatile for dry waste.

Auger compactors typically handle much larger bulk waste. These feed waste directly into a large auger blade which crushes, compacts, and eventually deposits it into a larger container. These are great for large or bulk dry waste as they have the strength to crush more durable items, but they aren’t designed to handle wet waste at all.

Again, there are many more specialized variations of waste compactor out there (bag compactors, chute-fed compactors, medical waste compactors, vertical compactors, and so on) but these three are the ones that crop up most often. Stationary compactors in particular are commonly used in construction and for commercial purposes.

How compactors benefit your business

Source by MPCA Photos, image used under license CC BY-NC 2.0

Why are stationary compactors used so much? What would you gain by having one? The answer is simple; you reduce the volume of waste you have to dispose of, reduce your environmental impact, and save money while doing it.

Crushing your waste in a compactor means that you can go longer between needing to dispose of your waste. It’s taking up less space, so it’s more efficient in terms of storage space before disposal and the time and money spent on waste disposal pickups. Fewer trips to collect your garbage reduces your carbon footprint, and the waste once at a landfill or when being recycled takes up as little space as possible.

The only downside to having a stationary compactor is the footprint of the machine itself onsite. Much like with front-load dumpsters and roll-off containers there’s a massive advantage to having a central location for all of your waste to be stored, but you need to make sure that the compactor is on stable ground (materials that won’t sink, such as concrete) and that it’s easily accessible for emptying and collection.

That being said, compared to the extra space that would be taken up by dumpsters or the extra staff you’d need to process and/or dispose of the waste yourself, the benefits of having a managed stationary compactor onsite are massive. Even if we don’t consider the advantages I’ve already mentioned, waste compactors (especially in commercial settings) make your site much more hygienic, as eliminating the need for dumpsters and other accessible waste containers reduces the number of rats, raccoons, and so on.

Crush your worries with a compactor today!

Source, image in the public domain

Nobody wants to live in a trash-filled world. That’s why we here at Trashco Inc. are making it easier and cheaper than ever to do your part in cleaning up Laredo!

We have everything from front-load dumpsters to waste compactors, ready to rent and get onto your site to help your waste management plans. We can even arrange to empty your rentals for you, meaning you don’t have to lift a finger to dispose of your waste efficiently, safely, and in an environmentally friendly way.

Not sure what services would suit you best or how often you’ll need collections? No problem! Have a chat with our friendly experts - they’ll help you to find the best solution for your needs.

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